Friday, December 18, 2009

Christmas will soon me upon us, and my family is getting ready to go to Disneyworld this year! We leave in two days. My ebay store is emptied, and I won't be taking any custom orders until after we get back. I hope to have some new things to add when I return and hopefully some new images of my fringe blankets.
I've been working hard on my knitting and hoping to get better at that so I can say with confidence that I can knit and crochet! Here are a couple of things I've made so far.
Merry Christmas!!!

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Just a Few More Images

The blog's looking a little bare, so I thought I'd add a few more images. Maybe soon I'll have something exciting to say! :) Here are a few more of my favorites.

New Blog

Well I figured it was time for me to start a blog to show off what I've been working on, and to have a place to post images of the things I've made. I offer quality photography props at a fair price. I make mostly baby cocoons, hats, and fringe blankets, but I'm always up for a challange if there's anything else you're looking for.
Here are a few of the things I've done. The round cocoons that I make can also be used as hanging cocoons. The same cocoon was used in both of these images. The cocoon is worked loosely enough that it can be stretched out to hang.
I will post more images soon!